Many college clubs have started a trend thats good for the enviornment and saves you money! They are called "whats mine is yours" or "swap parties" where everyone brings one book, article of clothing, cook ware, whatever the designated item is. Then, people trade. Now you have something like new, and have gotten rid of something you no longer want! The cost to host the party is 0, unless you want to provide food and drinks. However, you can ask people to bring some food as well. Spread the word, the more people who come the better! (lots of people use facebook events) Have the party large enough to accomidate how many people are coming and thats all you have to do! Having a swap party? Let us know when and where (even if its not in san diego) in the comment section or on our facebook page. We can help spread the word(:
Check out: for more information.
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