Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain! & Other News

Hi everyone,
If you're receiving rain, and you probably are, please remember to turn off your sprinklers and any other unnecessary appliances. Also, instead of cranking up the heater, remember basic tips and just put on another layer.

In other news, our club wants to begin donating a portion of the profit we make to some sort of environmental/activist group. The organizations we're considering are either the American Red Cross or UNICEF; we would also specify that we want the funds to go to Haitian relief.

We're hoping to be able to donate half of the profit to whichever organization we do pick, and in the meantime, please begin thinking about what color bag/shirt you would like to purchase from our club.

The prices aren't changing, it's just that the proceeds are now going to bigger cause.

Bags - $10
Shirts - $12
We still have a couple in stock. Visit Mr. Steussy's room (B3) to purchase your items.

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